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∎ Read Free The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

Download As PDF : The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

Download PDF  The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

Hedmund had always been a big lad - but by the time he reached manhood, he was the biggest of them all. When he and his fellows leave home to take up the lives of mercenaries, Hedmund finds all sorts of advantages come with being big. Women notice him – and men fear him.

The Big Walk is a sacred tradition of the clansmen, and now it is Hedmund's turn to leave home and travel the world awhile, selling his sword to any man with the gold. With a sword to match his stature – and a talent for fighting to match them both – he takes up with the clan nobleman Colin, a man scarcely older than Hedmund himself, but also a man trained to lead.

With their own kingdom in a period of peacefulness, the clansmen travel far in search of a worth conflict, and find themselves drawn to the Free Duchies – a region of city-states, merchants, and pirates. In this land, the young clansmen will fight their way to riches – or die trying.

The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

I have a lot of good to say about this, so I'll start with that. I found the writing to be top notch. The characters were distinct and likable. The descriptions were vivid without being cumbersome. And the dialogue was well-written, funny at times without being corny.

So what cost it a star? I found that certain conflicts in the story were too easily resolved, and I never really felt like the group was in any real danger. There were a couple of fight scenes, but I think too few for a story about a band of mercenaries. A lot of the story involved them walking along peacefully and chatting. (Strangely enough, though, I never once got bored or found myself skipping ahead.) What fight scenes there were, though, were a lot of fun, just graphic enough without being excessively gory.

I'll certainly be checking out the rest of "The Wandering Tale" series.

Product details

  • File Size 762 KB
  • Print Length 71 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 15, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

Tags : The Giant of the Tidesmouth (The Wandering Tale Book 3) - Kindle edition by Tristan Gregory. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Giant of the Tidesmouth (The Wandering Tale Book 3).,ebook,Tristan Gregory,The Giant of the Tidesmouth (The Wandering Tale Book 3),FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION Fantasy Short Stories
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The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory Reviews

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I'm beginning to get the hang of the author's strategy now, so I spotted the connecting character in the previous novella in the series - Hedmund, the very large young man setting off for his `big walk', the period as a mercenary traditional amongst his mountain clansmen. This story is about Hedmund's adventures on the road and his first battles. As always, the characters are wonderfully real, with dialogue which captures the essence of each one. There is some solid world-building going on in the background, too. Each story in the series can be read on its own, but anyone who reads them all will begin to understand a great deal about the history of this world. And possibly geography too, but for the directionally challenged among us, a map would have been useful. This seemed a little more lightweight than the previous two tales, and I never felt that Hedmund was in serious danger. An enjoyable read. Four stars.
It is a great series of books to read it is a must read series of books it would be a great series to have in a high school library
In his usual elegant but concise prose, Tristan Gregory has continued his Wandering Tale without missing a beat. Having read the other stories in the series I felt a connection with the main character and his sword, but also felt that I would have enjoyed this story just as much without reading the others. As always, I found this author's dialogue to be quick, witty, and to the point. He captures youth and the excitement and energy that accompany it well in his main character and narrator, Hedmund. While we can relate to Hedmund as an ingenue, we also get to know him as a rich, old soul as the story progresses. When necessary, the author gives historical information, but he manages to do so without causing a break in the plot or leaving the reader feeling bogged down with information.

My only complaint about this story is that I wasn't very surprised by the ending. HOWEVER, I think the ending allows for a smooth transition to the next story in The Wandering Tale, and I for one certainly plan to keep reading!
I have a lot of good to say about this, so I'll start with that. I found the writing to be top notch. The characters were distinct and likable. The descriptions were vivid without being cumbersome. And the dialogue was well-written, funny at times without being corny.

So what cost it a star? I found that certain conflicts in the story were too easily resolved, and I never really felt like the group was in any real danger. There were a couple of fight scenes, but I think too few for a story about a band of mercenaries. A lot of the story involved them walking along peacefully and chatting. (Strangely enough, though, I never once got bored or found myself skipping ahead.) What fight scenes there were, though, were a lot of fun, just graphic enough without being excessively gory.

I'll certainly be checking out the rest of "The Wandering Tale" series.
Ebook PDF  The Giant of the Tidesmouth The Wandering Tale Book 3 eBook Tristan Gregory

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